Have you ever stopped for a second to think how you could use less energy and resources in your household? Like the times you leave the TV on while you're in the shower, or how you always leave lights on all over the house? Or perhaps the gallons of water you needlessly waste every day.  As trained Loveland plumbers we might not be able to help you with the first two issues, but we are well placed to help you out with anything water related.

Practical Tips That Protect The Environment and Your Bank Balance

Follow these Loveland plumbing tips to reduce the amount of water you use on a daily basis without even realizing it.

Shave With the Faucet off
The same goes for brushing your teeth with the faucet running; why do it? You don't need the additional water and it runs straight down the plughole unused. Instead, put the plug in, add a little water to the sink and then leave the faucet alone.

Buy More Efficient Plumbing Fixtures
Everything nowadays is designed with energy efficiency in mind, and it's almost weird if your house doesn't feature some of these items nowadays. In terms of plumbing gadgets that help to cut down our water use, you could opt to have special aerators in your faucets and a special type of shower head fitted too. These items will automatically lower the amount of water used without you ever knowing.

Identify Leaks and Do Something About Them
Leaks can develop for a whole number of reasons. Sometimes connections between the plumbing system and a fixture isn't tight enough, other times the pipe work might become worn. Whatever the reason, the end result is still the same; you end up losing money and the water could end up doing considerable damage to the surrounding area. If the problem requires more than a simple tightening up, it's always best to contact a professional plumber Loveland, CO, as talking on a job you are not trained to do could result in even more damage.

Keep Your Pipes Nice 'N Warm
It's so easy to waste water without even realizing it. A good example of this is waiting a few minutes to get in the shower just because you want to be completely sure the water is warm (cold showers are only desirable in summer after all). Some hot water systems can seem to take a century to get going, but there is something you can do without the help of Loveland plumbing contractors to shorten this waiting time and subsequently the amount of water that runs down the plughole. Take a trip down to the local DIY store and pick up some foam insulation specially designed for plumbing pipes. This is cheap, easy to install and will help to reduce heat loss.

Long Showers Are Lovely But...
We all do it; in fact I used to love taking long showers as I find I can think clearly in the shower. But then I realized that I was increasing my annual consumption by thousands of percent by taking long showers, which is unnecessary. If you are a long shower-taker, from now on cut them down to 4 minutes max and you'll notice a significant difference when you get billed next quarter.

Use Your Washing Machine Wisely
Washing machines are great inventions aren't they. You just put your dirty clothes in, put in some washing power and softener and away you go. You don't have to do anything and your clothes are magically cleaned. That's great but you have to use the washing machine sensibly otherwise it can start costing you. Don't wash just a couple of items of clothing; make sure you are always putting full loads in. Let your dirty clothes basket pile up until you have enough to do that. 

We are proud to provide a wide range of Loveland plumbing services and should you require any assistance or advice, you can contact us on (970) 372-1587 or via email at [email protected].

Some home plumbing projects can be carried out by the average homeowner with a few basic plumbing tools and a little know how. However, it's vitally important that you are able to recognize when a plumbing job is beyond your own capabilities and a call to a Loveland plumbing professional is necessary. Attempting complicated plumbing jobs is often a disaster just waiting to happen, and it is possible that you could actually worsen the problem rather than fix it, meaning the final repair cost is much higher. Unless you are a qualified plumber Loveland, the following jobs are generally best left to the professionals.

  • Making Significant Home Modifications - All buildings need to conform to the Colorado State building code, and anytime you make significant changes to your home, it is likely that you'll need a permit to do so. If it's something related to your plumbing system or a plumbing fixture, it's always advisable to contact several Loveland plumbers, before settling on one that you can trust. They will have extensive knowledge of the building code and will be able to sort out any legal issues involved.
  • Jobs Involving Gas - You don't need us to tell you that gas can be extremely dangerous. You should never fiddle around with a gas boiler or water heater on your own if you haven't been trained to do so. Whether you are experiencing problems with an appliance that uses gas as a fuel source, or you believe you have a gas leak, get on the phone to a professional plumber straight away.
  • Main Sewer Line is Damaged - If the main sewer line running into your home becomes damaged, it is possible that sewage could back up into your home, spilling out of drains, toilets or showers. This is not a quick fix, and requires the use of specialist equipment, the type that the average homeowner doesn't possess. Depending on the severity of the damage to the sewer line, it could even be possible that it will need to be replaced.
  • Installation of Plumbing Fixtures - You think you could install a new toilet on your own? Or perhaps a water heater? Trust us, it isn't that simple. If plumbing fixtures aren't installed correctly, you could face a whole load of problems further down the line that can cost significant amounts to fix. All qualified Loveland plumbing contractors had to complete formal training courses to learn how to carry these installations. What makes you think you can just wing it?
  • Basement Waterproofing - If you spot moisture in your basement, forget trying to save a few dollars by dealing with the problem yourself; call in a plumber right away. Moisture in the basement can be a sign of damage to your home's foundation and if not dealt with quickly, serious damage could be done that would cost thousands to fix. Not to mention potential mold growth, which can affect the health of anyone living in the property, especially young children and seniors.
  • Replacing Shower Valves - This is one of the plumbing jobs that is commonly attempted by the DIYer and is usually something they regret later on. Firstly, shower valves are very specific in their design and you have to ensure that you buy exactly the right type of valve for the job. Secondly, when replacing the valve, it's relatively easy to damage the shower walls, which are costly to repair or replace. Why take the risk if you don't know what you are doing? An experienced plumber will likely have replaced dozens of shower valves, if not more, and can get the job done without the risk of further damage being caused.

Loveland Water Pros is proud to serve the entire Loveland area and surrounding communities, and our team of professionals is able to handle all of the work described above and more. For a free consultation or to receive a no hassle quote, give us a call today.

